„You can't manage what you don't measure” - Peter Drucker

Original training conducted by experienced specialists

We offer training at the operator level, administrative level, and for security chiefs and top management in performance management analysis and security research. All training is conducted by specialists with years of experience working with Tenable products. We tailor each training to the needs of our customers, offering them the opportunity to go through any function , which raises any questions. We are open and adapt to the needs of our customers.

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Security Center Training

During the 3-day Security Center platform training, you receive 5 volumes of our proprietary manuals, which include such information as the correct installation of the console and its key functions.

Security Center Training Program

Administrator Structure of Tenable Security Center Organizations Users Repositories, Types Overview

  • Create repositories


  • Overview of attaching probes to Tenable Security Center

Scan zones Settings Organization user Users, roles, and groups Assets, types

  • Creating assets

Asset hosts Scan

  • Strategy
  • Vulnerability metrics: CVSS, VPR, ACR, AES
  • Scan policies, template overview
  • Creating Active Scans

Solutions – recommended mitigation paths Scan compliance states

  • Create compliance scans
  • Creation/modification of audit files

Agent-based scanning         

  • Create agent scans
  • Agent job synchronization

Attack Surface Discovery Scan Skanowanie WAS (Web Application Scanning) Analyst

  • Tools, overview
  • Filters, overview
  • Query overview


  • Overview of cockpits and components
  • Creating and Modifying Dashboards
  • Creating and Modifying Components

Assurance Report Cards

  • ARC Overview
  • Creating and modifying ARC


  • Report overview
  • Create and modify report definitions

Nessus training

A 2-day training course where you receive a proprietary manual that we keep updated and adapted to the latest version of the Nessus scanner.

Nessus Training Program

Training program Administrative activities Types of Nessus scanners Nessus Scanner Installation Configuration Scanner diagnostics Usufruct Scan

  • Strategy
  • Vulnerability metrics: CVSS, VPR
  • Scan policies, template overview
  • Creating a scan policy
  • Create a scan
  • Run a scan

Scan results

  • Interpretation of results
  • Remediations – recommended mitigation paths
  • History – viewing historical data, comparing with current data

Scan compliance scans

  • Create compliance scans
  • Creation/modification of audit files
  • Programming .audit files


  • Report overview
  • Create your own report definitions

Nessus Expert

  • Attack Surface Discovery Scan
  • Skanowanie WAS (Web Application Scanning)
  • Terrascan

Training on other Tenable products

Upon request, we also provide training on other products that we have in our offer. For specific information, please contact us.

Are you interested in our product or service?

Please contact us